Monday, September 5, 2011


Since I explained myself in the previous post, I thought that I might as well begin to write about every day stuff.  Y'know, the kind of stuff the indie kid behind the coffee counter gripes about because his hair isn't swept over his eye just right and the customer who ordered the double mocha, triple swirled, low fat, frothed, quadruple sugar cinnamon regular coffee stressed him out.

I don't want to go into work tomorrow.  It's not that my job here is stressful.  It's not even that I dislike it.  It's some of the people there.  We have them everywhere we go.  The people who make dust hills into Mt. Everest.  "You missed one hair while you were shaving!  You are out of regs! UCMJ!*"  Stupid, truly meaningless bullshit like that.

One member of my section loves to play games.  I don't mean that he wants to break out the notepads and keep a running spades score going.  He plays games that should've ended when he became a Private First Class, at the least. 

Here's a typical conversation between this individual and our OIC.  "Staff Sergeant, were you able to talk to the people about getting a couple new chairs?"  Please keep in mind that myself, Blasian, D-man and SGT Ginger have no idea that our OIC wanted new chairs.  Maybe it should've been an implied task, not sure.  Staff Sergeant's reply "I told Vic and Blasian to do it two weeks ago. (Looks at us confused) Why the hell wasn't that done?"  Now Blasian and myself look like assholes in front of Doc Fresh.  Doc Fresh looks at us like we are shit-heads.  SGT Ginger and D-man look angry and confused.  Blasian shrugs it off while I seethe with anger at Leroy Jenkins Jr. for dumping his fuck-up on my lap.

I would like to say that was a one time occurrence.  Sadly, it isn't.  Evidently I should be able to read LJ2's mind and know what he wants me to do before he thinks of it.  Sometimes all you can really do is facepalm and wait for 1700 to roll around.

*UCMJ-Uniformed Code of Military Justice.  This acronym is normally used when people are threatening you with non-judicial punishment in the form of an Article 15.  Meaning they want you to lose rank, pay and do extra duty because they found out their spouse was cheating on them last night and they needed someone to take their frustrations out on.

1 comment:

  1. Caveat: Some instances do warrant UCMJ. Like the asshole who got a DUI, got caught cheating on their spouse, disrepsected an NCO or Officer, failed to follow an order or showed up late to formation 5 months in a row.
