Saturday, November 12, 2011

Couple months in a nutshell

I suppose that it would be about time to update this blog, seeing as how my last post was 2 months ago.

I just got back from a wonderful Army school known as Warrior Leaders Course (WLC).  I learned a great deal about the standards I am supposed to uphold, the right way to do things and about how to yell really loud when the guidon is being run to the front of formation.  All in all, a good school but I did have some gripes, like yelling really loud when the guidon is being run to the front of formation.  Aside from that, I resented being called Sergeant (a rank I don't have yet) as if I was on par with a fresh Private in Basic Training.  Y'know what I mean, when someone calls you something that is supposed to be respectful or your rank but does it with a derogatory tone?  I'm sure you do.  The basic standards of barracks room appearance were also called into question daily, mainly because I don't care how my boots and shoes are set up under my bed, I normally keep them under desk or in a closet in my regular room.  Whatever.  It was 18 days of great learning and a huge headache when it came to simple things that some of the instructors couldn't seem to communicate on or agree on for that matter.  I did finish with a 95.32% GPA and Commandant's List.  Hooray me.

Other than that, there hasn't been much going on.  I am down to 210 pounds, well on my way to my goal of 205.  After 205, I may try to hit 200 or less.  I discovered a wonderfully legal version of cocaine called One More Rep.  It is an amazing pre-workout that gives you uncomfortable amounts of energy and an unbelievable pump.  On Monday I ordered two new supplements.  One is called Powerfull and is a natural Testosterone enhancer.  The other is called Pink Magic.  It's called that because it apparently melts fat away, hardens your muscles and makes your veins pop out of your muscles.  It's also a pink pill.  I look forward to it.  SGT Ginger informed of the stuff and he's a huge supplement head.  I can't wait.

Also, Dirty D, Double D, whatever I have been referring to him as is now SGT Dirty D.  I applaud him in the effort he put forth to make it.  He'll be a great one as long as Leroy Jenkins Jr. doesn't try to "mentor" him too much.  Blaisian has some strange illness that may have something to do with a "mass" that was found in his head.  I do hope everything goes well for him.  SGT Ginger is doing great with HeidiBadger (nickname derived from the Honeybadger because she doesn't give a shit and will take one on you.  Heidi is his daughter.)

All in all things have been going good.  I haven't been drinking much, except for a couple occurences that included me being blackout drunk and wandering around a military post trying to find an open gate because I got dropped off at a locked gate.  It also included me trying to climb under the barbed wire at the top of a fence, falling in a ditch and numerous sightings of me wearing Crocs and PT shorts.  I wish I could remember what happened.

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